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KuroHitsuji Commissiom


Total slots : 10 slot
1 Slot per 2 Image
New Web (New Price) : Open January 2024

✦✧ Orders and other Rules ✧✦

✦ How to order

  • Please detail what kind of commission you want , for example half body - colored.

  • Please detail the characteristic and action pose of the character you want, or provide a picture / reference of that character (if there ain’t any I will charge you 50% extra for design price).

  • Please send the details of commission to the inbox twitter / facebook , I will finalize the price there.   (I will answer back within 1 day at most).

  • Commission will be in 300dpi jpg. & png. form. (If need CSO file I charge an additional 5 usd.)

✦ Rules

  • Will not do any emergency work for any reason, I usually finish the work within 1-3 days (per pic)

  • Price in the Document is the minimum price , the more detailed the commission the price will go up.

  •  Half of the price is required before the work begins.

  • Any fix during sketching is free , any fix after finishing the line /coloring will be charged for 20% of original price.

  • Queue is based on who pays first.

✦ Commercial work will cost an extra 100% of its total price.

✦ Emergency work or skip queue will cost 50% extra too.

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